About me

Beach lover, food enthusiast & serious chocolate addict.. recklessly seeking adventures and rainbows.lost in the tea

I travel, write, take pictures.. I LIVE.

IMG-20160207-WA0001  Constantly moving from place to place trying to find the one I belong to. I lived in couple of different countries, have made and lost friends around the world, cried so many times but yet I would have never chosen differently. And if one day you feel like nothing goes right, go left. Or make a U-turn. I am human making mistakes and wrong decisions along the way but I am pretty sure that I’m not alone in this. Life has no manual or how-to instructions and it can sometimes send us to our knees. But it’s only a matter of choice to see the bright side of it. Every day is a blessing 🙂

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

It’s better to see or experience something once than to hear about it thousand times. Because at the end of the day we only regret the chances we didn’t take.

So make it count!



  1. Great way of living and sharing with the rest of us. I am a nomad like you, without a blog…I keep a diary though. I am still on the road for the last years(11 till now). Its the most spectacular experience I ve ever had in my life!!Still have!! Collecting memories and experiences is more important than savings. As a Greek lady I totally suport what Ancient Greeks used to say τα παντα ρει , panta rei(Heraclitus)which means everything flows. Like the water…:) So keep moving like a nomad and keep walking like Johnny:)All the best! Sofia

    • Thank you so much for your beautiful words Sofia 🙂 it is always a great pleasure to meet a fellow minded traveller! I am completely astonished about your 11 years of travels and I am pretty sure thet some of those memories in your diary would be so nice to read! If you ever have a way around Vancouver (that’s where I live now, let me know!) 🙂
      Take care, Vero

      • You are very welcome!Its so nice meeting people like you and sharing same thoughts and feelings although we dont know each other in person. Unfortunately the diary is written in Greek(unless you learn Greek , i ll be more than happy to share it with you:). My mail is s.mitsaki@hotmail.co.uk. If you wanna keep in touch since i am not in facebook, or instagram..(.dont really like so much social media) apart from ur blog. Actually i was reading about Prague as it will be one of my next travel destinations and then your article-blog poped out…
        Canada I d love to go one day, its a bit cold for me at the moment….I ve just relocated from Uk to Malta!

        All the best and take care as well


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